Ongoing updates related to the recent ICT Outage are available at CIT Student Notices.
Assessing the capabilities your employees need: now, and into the future.
Designing new courses, or customising existing training in collaboration with you.
Analysing previous study or existing skills to determine what further training is needed to achieve a qualification.
Working with organisations overseas to design training and build capability in learning and development.
Advising you on what government schemes and programs may be available to help fund your learning.
Enhance your learning with the latest news and articles from CIT Solutions. Read insights from industry professionals and discover creative tips and tricks from our short courses and tutors.
What does this mean for you? Current Learners undertaking Public Sector qualifications, you do not need to do anything. There is sufficient time for you to complete your studies.
What do you find attractive about teaching other people your native language?
Jane McIntyre's passion for pickles just bubbles out of her. But she'd be devastated if the same thing happened to the kraut in one of her fermenting jars!
One of the most common pieces of feedback we get here at Short Courses by CIT Solutions is that Mother’s Day, by its very nature, can exclude people who aren’t lucky enough to have a mother (or a strong relationship with one).
If you're reading this, you probably have a credit card. Yes, more of us are trying to pay down our debts, but are we making the progress (and financial freedom) we crave?
When I ask Keith Colls if I’ve done the wrong thing by planting four cauliflower plants in one pot, he responds in exactly the way I would want a gardening tutor to answer.
I'm a busy career-type who works full time, and I love Mexican food as much as the next person, which I’m assuming is a lot, right?
Food is surely the best reason to do anything, and with even a small amount of effort you can get your hands on some pretty tasty morsels that (gasp!) you will have grown with your own bare hands.
Because we've all gone to a bottle shop and picked solely based on there being a friendly-looking duck on the label.