
By Short Courses Team

Change the way you think about money by reading these blogs

10 Feb 2016

If you're reading this, you probably have a credit card. Yes, more of us are trying to pay down our debts, but are we making the progress (and financial freedom) we crave? The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) estimates that the average Australian has $4380.21 outstanding on their credit card. That might not sound like much, but it still means you're paying around $736.76 p.a. in interest payments every year.

So, do want to stop giving the better part of a grand to a bunch of strangers and keep it for yourself? Of course you do! These blogs have changed the way we think about getting our finances in order, and, well, they just make ‘cents'!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Mr. Money Mustache

Not for the faint of heart, the MMM philosophy could be described as 'radical practicality'. He's all about treating your debt as an emergency, not adjusting your expenditure to meet your pay-rises and all sorts of full-on methodologies that sound crazy at first, then more crazy-like-a-fox the deeper you read.

Great tip: Happiness comes from many sources, but none of these sources involve car or purse upgrades.

Read it if: You're serious, and you're serious now.

And Then We Saved

As well as hosting an archive that charts the journey of author Anna Newell-Jones as she gets out of US$24,000 worth of debt, this site offers the chance to start your own "Spending Fast" and join a community of like-minded individuals.

To be honest, though, the real drawcard is the tip post collection. I love tips, and if there's one thing I love more than a general tip, it's a tip that will save me serious dosh. Lovebirds will benefit from 98 Super Fun, Cheap Date Ideas and 23 Ways to Make the Most of Summer is full of ideas to get maximum enjoyment for minimum expenditure in sunny weather.

Great tip: Like I said, there are so many! But they also have plenty of great quotes to get you started. Example? "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Read it if: You're ready to meditate on the difference between needs and wants.


We have to say, nothing beats this government site when it comes to sound financial advice. Designed to educate consumers, MoneySmart is a pretty exhaustive resource chock-full of infographics, apps and planning tools that are not only relevant to Aussies, they're also practical and thorough. Check out their credit card calculator to get a handle on your situation, or visit the news section for the latest in building wealth.

Great tip: Are you a last-minute-gift buyer? Last year's Christmas presents still burning a hole in your credit card? A little careful planning now can save a lot of heartaches next year!

Read it if: You need to check a potential investment (in case it's a scam), plan your retirement or just have no idea about money – there's something for everyone.

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