
By Katherine Ryan

A transferable and versatile skill set is the way of the future, here's why

11 Aug 2017

But how can we do that when industry, employment and skill demand is ever changing?

We do it by changing our mindset about jobs and skills. We almost need to reroute our thinking to reflect a more dynamic future of work where linear careers will be far less common and we will require an adaptable portfolio of skills and capabilities to navigate this more complex world of work.¹

We need to understand the skills and capabilities that will be most transferable, versatile and in demand in the new world of work, and then we need to work toward equipping ourselves for it.¹

According to The Foundation for Young Australians report, The New Work Mindset, on average, when an individual trains or works in one job they acquire skills for up to 13 other jobs. This is because, for many jobs, employers demand very similar skills.¹

Rather than choosing an occupation with a steady ascent up the corporate ladder, we should think about developing a portfolio of skills that open doors to a group of jobs.¹
Accordingly, The New Work Mindset states there are seven new job groups in Australia.

  • The generators - comprises of jobs that require a high level of interpersonal interaction in retail, sales, hospitality and entertainment.
  • The artisans - comprises of jobs that require skill in manual tasks related to construction, production, maintenance or technical customer service.
  • The carers - comprises of jobs that seek to improve the mental or physical health or well-being of others, including medical, care and personal support services.
  • The informers - comprises of jobs that involve professionals providing information, education or business services.
  • The coordinators - comprises of jobs that involve repetitive administrative and behind-the-scenes process or service tasks.
  • The designers - comprises of jobs that involve deploying skills and knowledge of science, mathematics and design to construct or engineer products or buildings.
  • The technologists - comprises of jobs that require skilled understanding and manipulation of digital technology.

These findings were based on the analysis of more than 2.7 million job advertisements to reveal seven new job groups or clusters in the Australian economy, where the required skills are closely related and more transferable than previously thought.

The common technical and enterprise skills required for these job groups.

What are technical skills?

We often think of technical skills as specific to a particular job or task, such as surgical skills if you are a veterinarian or JavaScript if you are a computer programmer. However, The New Work Mindset reveals that many technical skills appear across multiple occupations in a job group and are not just specific to a single job. While these skills can vary in difficulty and the amount of training required, most employers will require most of these skills.

Technical skills

  • Data analysis and data entry
  • Business development
  • Contract management
  • First aid
  • Workplace health and safety
  • Procurement
  • Financial management
  • Estimating
  • Scheduling
  • Risk management
  • Report writing
  • Equipment operation
  • Policy development

What are enterprise skills?

These are transferable skills that will enable you to engage with a complex world and navigate the challenges it inherits. Enterprise skills are not just for entrepreneurs; they are skills that are required for many jobs. They have been found to be a powerful predictor of long-term job success. The terms used to describe these skills vary across different contexts: sometimes called generic, soft, or 21st-century skills.

Enterprise skills

  • Digital literacy
  • Problem-solving
  • Team work
  • Planning
  • Communication
  • Detail-orientation
  • Project management
  • Time management
  • Creativity
  • Customer service
  • Research
  • Quality assurance
  • Teaching

We know that not all jobs require the acquisition of an entirely new skill set so how can we build our skills portfolio while still maintaining a steady ascent towards a secure future?

How about doing a holistic qualification that is transferable across a number of industries and will equip you with most common technical and enterprise skills?

Project management is a profession that continues to see a growing demand in Australia and the world over. Project coordinators and managers are equipped with a universal skill set that can be practiced across a variety of industries. Visit our website for more details about these courses.

According to Hays latest Quarterly Report Project Manager are among the most in-demand jobs in Australia. These skilled professionals are needed across the country in many different industries such as construction, IT, business management and change management.

Make the right choice to secure your future today.

¹ AlphaBeta 2016, The new work mindset: 7 new job clusters to help young people navigate the new work order, FYA new work order report series, Foundation for Young Australians, Melbourne, viewed May 2017,

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