Please note: Advertised UCF prices are reviewed annually by the ACT Government and are subject to change without notice.
New Worker (NW) - Employed less than three months full-time or twelve months part-time/casual equivalent, up to the commencement date of the training contract. An individual converting from an ASbA or Australian Apprenticeship while attending school, to a post-school Australian Apprenticeship, will be considered a NW. An AA previously employed by a Group Training Organisation (GTO) and working for a host employer, now working directly for the host employer will also be considered a NW.
Existing Worker (EW) - Employed as a permanent or casual employee for more than three months full-time or twelve months pat-time prior to the commencement date of the training contract, in a qualification where funding for existing workers is available in the ACT Qualifications Register.
Am I eligible for UCF?
To be eligible for an ACT User Choice Funding (UCF) Training Contract you must:
- Be at least 15 years-of-age.
- Work in the ACT - full-time or part-time for a minimum of 15 hours per week.
- You cannot be a casual employee
- You cannot be self-employed
- If you are a non-ongoing employee (contractor) your employment contract must cover the nominal User Choice Funding Training Contract length which is 2 years from the commencement of your training program with CIT Solutions.
- Be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or a New Zealand passport holder who has been a resident in Australia for more than 6 months.
- Hold a visa that is identified as being eligible (See page 7 of the ACT Requirements for Apprenticeship Network Providers).
- Be applying for a qualification in a field that you are employed in, and are able to apply and demonstrate the learning in your role.
- Not have completed the same qualification previously.
- Not already be signed up under another current and active UCF Training Contract or other subsidy schemes with Skilled Capital.
- Not be directly employed by the ACT or Australian Government.
Responsibilities of you and your employer
You need to have the support of your employer/supervisor to undertake your training with User Choice Funding. We suggest you provide them with this flyer for further information about the funding.
- Your employer/supervisor must support you to attend the training sessions and allow you time to complete your out of class work. This should be considered normal working hours.
- You and your supervisor/employer must sign a User Choice Funding Training Contract. MEGT (Australia) Ltd will contact you to arrange this.
- You and your supervisor/employer must sign a User Choice Funding Training Plan. CIT Solutions will contact you to arrange this once your Training Contract has been completed.
- You will need to have access to appropriate supervision while undertaking your study (for example supervised by someone who holds the qualification or has equivalent experience).
During your training you must:
- Attend all training days.
- Complete all required assessment activities.
- Keep CIT Solutions informed of any changes to your employer or supervisor details.
- Keep CIT Solutions informed of any changes to your current circumstances and if you need support in completing the program.
Have any questions about User Choice Funding?
Our team are happy to answer any questions you have regarding User Choice Funding and any of our programs.
Contact us on (02) 6207 4444 or email us at
For more information on Australian Apprenticeships, see the National Code of Good Practice for Australian Apprenticeships.